
Active Shutter 3D Glasses For 3D Television

Now A good news for 3D movie lover, Plusbuyer now list a new 3D glasses for 3D TVs, With a built-in 60mAh battery, the 3D glasses can last about 40 hours if fully charged, which is more than enough for watching several movies. The glasses are compatible with 3D TVs from top makers such as Sony, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Sharp, Panasonic, SEC and Philips, Not for all, with the active shutter technology, there is a liquid crystal layer in each eye's glass, which has the property of becoming opaque when voltage is used, being otherwise transparent. The 3D glasses are controlled by a timing signal that provides the glasses to alternately block one eye, and then the other, in synchronization with the screen's refresh rate. With affordable $14.58, this gadget will not burn too large a hole in your pocket.


