
AmTidy A325 4-in-1 Robot Vacuum Cleaner (Low Noise, Virtual Wall Detector, Remote Control)

Replace your maid or give your partner a rest as this is the AmTidy A325 Robot Vacuum Cleaner. This vacuum cleaner efficiently vacuums dirt, debris, pet hair, dust, and more from carpets and hard floors. Plus is multifunctional and will sweep, vacuum, dry Mopping and sanitize to ensure that you have a clean and healthy living environment. This robotic vacuum cleaner will clean the whole floor, under and around furniture, into corners and along wall edges plus it has been designed with a gentle touch bumper to protect furniture and wall surfaces. There is a cliff sensor that prevents the AmTidy vacuum cleaner from taking a tumble down the stairs and instead will make it re-direct to a safe place. You can use the Space Isolator function to create an invisible wall, which can block the cleaner from entering off-limit areas.

