
Touch Control LED Mood Light (256 Colors, 280mAh, White)

Lighting is key essence of any room. Too much and light is reflected glaring around the room bouncing off walls and offending the senses, too little and you can't see. This LED light with its 256 color pallet helps you set the right lighting for any room. Use soft, warm amber light to make a room welcoming and comfy, Great for a relaxing bubble bath or for a lazy evening snuggling on the sofa. Alternatively use strong, bold colors to create a party atmosphere the choice is yours as you can select the lighting for whatever mood you like. The "Feel" mood light has an easy to use touch bar function making it easy and fun to use. Just touch the color you want or scroll through the bar to change the color hues and find the one that best suits your mood. You could just as easily leave the lighting up to this mood lamp and let it automatically switch between the different colors as you enjoy the beams dancing across the walls and the magical mood it sets for your room.

